Sensor Can Tell Infectious from Noninfectious Viruses :: News :: ChemistryViews
Tests for a virus infection often use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify and detect the genetic material of the…
Tests for a virus infection often use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify and detect the genetic material of the…
Easy and fast detection of viruses are crucial in a pandemic. Based on single-nanopore membranes of GSI, an international…
Durch die Verknüpfung verschiedener Technologien hat ein interdisziplinäres Team von Wissenschaftler*innen der…
Der einfache und schnelle Nachweis von Viren ist in einer Pandemie entscheidend.
Zurück Teilen: d 08.10.2021 11:24 Der einfache und schnelle Nachweis von Viren ist in einer Pandemie entscheidend.
Zurück Teilen: d 08.10.2021 11:27 Easy and fast detection of viruses are crucial in a pandemic.
(Nanowerk News) By linking different technologies, an interdisciplinary team of scientist of the Materials Research Department…
Ein internationales Forscherteam hat einen Nanosensor entwickelt, mit dem sich Coronaviren angeblich ebenso zuverlässig…
Ein internationales Forscherteam hat einen Nanosensor entwickelt, mit dem sich Coronaviren angeblich ebenso zuverlässig…
Investigadores de la Universidad de Illinois Urbana-Champaign en Estados Unidos desarrollaron un nuevo sensor que puede…
A new sensor can distinguish infectious viruses from noninfectious ones thanks to selective DNA fragments and sensitive…
Por - 27 de septiembre 2021 VIERNES, 24 de septiembre de 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Un nuevo sensor de ADN puede detectar a los…
Latest Coronavirus News FRIDAY, Sept. 24, 2021 (HealthDay News) A new DNA sensor can detect viruses and tell if they are…
A new DNA sensor can detect viruses and tell if they are infectious or not in minutes, a new study finds.
FRIDAY, Sept. 24, 2021 -- A new DNA sensor can detect viruses and tell if they are infectious or not in minutes, a new study…
FRIDAY, Sept. 24, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- A new DNA sensor can detect viruses and tell if they are infectious or not in minutes…
FRIDAY, Sept. 24, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- A new DNA sensor can detect viruses and tell if they are infectious or not in minutes…
By Steven Reinberg, (HealthDay) FRIDAY, Sept. 24, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- A new DNA sensor can detect viruses and tell if they…
By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Sept. 24, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- A new DNA sensor can detect viruses and tell…
If there is one thing that the ongoing COVID-19 has brought to attention, it is the need to detect pathogens quickly and act on…
Covid variants getting better at traveling through air, new study suggests If there is one thing that the ongoing COVID-19 has…
Czujnik namierza i wykrywa zakaźne wirusy, w tym SARS-CoV-2 oraz ludzkiego adenowirusa, w czasie od 30 minut do dwóch godzin i…
A new sensor can detect not only whether a virus is present, but whether it's infectious an important distinction for…
A new sensor can detect not only whether a virus is present, but whether it's infectious an important distinction for…
A new sensor can detect not only whether a virus is present, but whether it's infectious – an important distinction for…
A new sensor can detect not only whether a virus is present, but whether it’s infectious – an important distinction for…
A new sensor can distinguish infectious viruses from noninfectious ones thanks to selective DNA fragments and sensitive…
A new sensor can distinguish infectious viruses from noninfectious ones, thanks to selective DNA fragments and sensitive…
DNA-based device might offer rapid COVID-19 test that is not fooled by dead virus By decorating tiny nanopores with short DNA…
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — A new sensor can detect not only whether a virus is present, but whether it’s infectious – an important…
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, News Bureau CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — A new sensor can detect not only whether a virus is…