Аквариумная рыбка помогла генетикам уточнить происхождение домашних животных
Naked Science,
Ученые до сих пор пытаются решить загадку, какие генетические черты позволили предкам домашних животных стать спутниками человека…
Ученые до сих пор пытаются решить загадку, какие генетические черты позволили предкам домашних животных стать спутниками человека…
Queen Mary University of London researchers have discovered that zebrafish can provide genetic baz1b clues to the development…
Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have shown that zebrafish can provide genetic clues to the evolution of social…
Newswise — Researchers at Queen Mary University of London have shown that zebrafish can provide genetic baz1b clues to the…
Human history is etched into the DNA of domesticated animals, which is when we bend the evolutionary trajectory of species to…
Human history is etched into the DNA of domesticated animals, which is when we bend the evolutionary trajectory of species to…
Human history is etched into the DNA of domesticated animals, which is when we bend the evolutionary trajectory of species to…
- NewsBreak Human history is etched into the DNA of domesticated animals, which is when we bend the evolutionary trajectory of…
Alejandro G. Muñoz Andirkó, Cedric Boeckx, Pedro Tiago Martins, Alessandro Vitriolo y Giuseppe Testa Derechos de autor de la…
¿Qué cambios moleculares y celulares han ocurrido durante la evolución humana? Es la pregunta que intentan responder nuestros…
El síndrome de Williams provoca un crecimiento ralentizado y discapacidad intelectual y una alta sociabilidad Se ha producido…
¿Qué cambios moleculares y celulares han ocurrido durante la evolución humana? Es la pregunta que intentan responder nuestros…
2019. december 16. 23:39, hétfő Erre a következtetésre jutottak olasz kutatók, egy fontos gén vizsgálata alapján.
A genética explica porque temos características físicas únicas entre os primatas, com feições mais delicadas e comportamento…
Direito de imagem Getty Images Cabeça menor, traços mais delicados, feições mais "amigáveis".
原标题:现代人(左)与尼安德特人(右)的头骨对比。|Dr Mike Baxter/wikimedia 与尼安德特人等古人类相比,我们这些现代人类的面部特征变得更加精致、温和。人类如何演化出了现在的模样?一项对特殊人群的遗传学研究,填补了“自我驯化”假说缺失的…
Believe it or not but our forefathers were way smarter than us when it came to wooing the opposite sex for mating.
Believe it or not but our forefathers were way smarter than us when it came to wooing the opposite sex for mating.
МОСКВА, 11 дек — РИА Новости, Альфия Еникеева. За последние несколько тысяч лет у людей немного уменьшился мозг, черты лица смягч…
London, Dec 10 : Believe it or not but our forefathers were way smarter than us when it came to wooing the opposite sex for…
Image Source : FILE Our ancestors learnt to smile so that they can have sex, says study Believe it or not but our forefathers…
London: Believe it or not but our forefathers were way smarter than us when it came to wooing the opposite sex for mating.
London, Dec 10 : Believe it or not but our forefathers were way smarter than us when it came to wooing the opposite sex for…
London, Dec 10 (IANS) Believe it or not but our forefathers were way smarter than us when it came to wooing the opposite sex…
London, Dec 10 : Believe it or not but our forefathers were way smarter than us when it came to wooing the opposite sex for…
London, Dec 10 (IANS) Believe it or not but our forefathers were way smarter than us when it came to wooing the opposite sex…
Le chien ne serait pas la première espèce domestiquée par l'humain. En effet, des chercheurs auraient trouvé des preuves génétiqu…
Il était une fois, dansune époque fort lointaine, l'ancêtre de l'humain. Celui-ci formait des sociétés coopératives, dans…
Le chien ne serait pas la première espèce domestiquée par l'humain. En effet, des chercheurs auraient trouvé des preuves génétiqu…
与尼安德特人等古人类相比,我们这些现代人类的面部特征变得更加精致、温和。人类如何演化出了现在的模样?一项对特殊人群的遗传学研究,填补了“自我驯化”假说缺失的关键一环。 撰文 | Emily Willingham 翻译 | 张二七 审校 | 吴非 在描述我们的…
Según la evidencia genética, eso sucedió hace unos 600.000 años, justo después de que nuestra línea evolutiva se separara de la…
Según la evidencia genética, eso sucedió hace unos 600.000 años, justo después de que nuestra línea evolutiva se separara de la…
Según la evidencia genética, eso sucedió hace unos 600.000 años, justo después de que nuestra línea evolutiva se separara de la…
Med flade snuder og store øjne ser hunde mere hvalpede og venlige ud end ulve. Og de er også mere venlige.
Le rappresentazioni di Neanderthal, i nostri antichi partner occasionali di accoppiamento, di solito mostrano tratti del viso…
Как показывают исследования, проведенные на выращенных в лабораторных условиях клетках человека, «привлекательная внешность домаш…
Tiere wurden irgendwann zu Haustieren, weil sie der Mensch domestiziert hat. Und Menschen? Auch die wurden irgendwann einmal zu…
Гены, которые почувствовали стремление людей одомашнить самих себя, управляют зародышевыми стволовыми клетками, управляющими разв…
A new study suggest that ability to convey kindness through facial expressions may have been a key factor in human evolution.
Just one gene influences much of the development of the human face, New Scientist reports.
Клеточные линии человека с «лицом эльфа» помогли ученым подтвердить, что древние люди одомашнили сами себя.
Un equipo internacional de científicos demostró que a lo largo de la evolución, nuestra especie fue seleccionando a los humanos…
Exclusief voor abonnees 05 december 2019 13u06 Psycho Die grote ogen, de ronde schedel, de brede mond en relatief kleine neus…
Human beings were not always the docile, amiable and house-trained animals we are today.
The study, published in Science Advances, results from the collaboration between a UB team led by Cedric Boeckx, ICREA…
A new University of Barcelona study reveals the first empirical genetic evidence of human self-domestication, a hypothesis that…
A genetic condition helps uncover how modern human mugs came to differ from those of Neandertals Depictions of Neandertals, our…
Een gen dat mensen zachtaardiger gezichten geeft, blijkt bij de moderne mens anders afgesteld te staan dan bij onze voorvaderen.
JPM/Getty Images A single gene controls much of the development of the human face.
Domestic animals’ cuteness and humans’ relatively flat faces may be the work of a gene that controls some important…
W hether it’s your grandpa’s nose, your mother’s eyes, or the chin the entire family share, humans depend on facial features to…
The human face may have evolved through a process of "self-domestication" with our ancient ancestors tending to choose mates…
A new University of Barcelona study reveals the first empirical genetic evidence of human self-domestication, a hypothesis that…
Een gen dat mensen zachtaardiger gezichten geeft, blijkt bij de moderne mens anders afgesteld te staan dan bij onze voorvaderen.
The study, published in Science Advances, results from the collaboration between a UB team led by Cedric Boeckx, ICREA…