Indica vs. sativa: Science suggests there’s not actually a difference
National Geographic,
Cannabis is one of humanity’s oldest crops. Ancient civilizations the world over cultivated the plant for food, fiber, medicine…
Cannabis is one of humanity’s oldest crops. Ancient civilizations the world over cultivated the plant for food, fiber, medicine…
Whether smoked, eaten, or merely smelled wafting in through an open window, cannabis enjoys a special kind of fame — it is used…
The largest genetic study of cannabis genomes has revealed important considerations for farmers selecting high quality hemp…
The largest genetic study of cannabis genomes has revealed important considerations for farmers selecting high quality hemp…
The largest genetic study of cannabis genomes has revealed important considerations for farmers selecting high quality hemp…
Un nuovo studio pubblicato su Science Advances suggerisce che sia originaria dell'estremo Oriente e sia stata selezionata per…
On a longtemps cru que le chanvre (Cannabis sativa) avait été domestiqué en Asie centrale.
인간은 대마를 다양한 방식으로 활용했다. 산업용뿐 아니라 오락용과 의료용까지. 또 오랜 기간 대마를 재배했다. 나아가 지금까지도 끊임없이 계량하고 있다.
Our understanding of how humans initially bred and manipulated cannabis genetics could be crucial for maximizing its medicinal…
Cannabis is an old, old plant. Its use as a medicinal substance and spiritual enhancer have been documented in ancient times…
Ovo bi istraživanje moglo uzdrmati dosadašnje dokaze da je prioritet ljudi u neolitiku bila - hrana Mnogi botaničari vjeruju da…
Niewiele jest badań na temat pochodzenia konopi. Przez wieki wykorzystywano je wprawdzie do produkcji tekstyliów i olejków, ale…
According to a study published recently, Cannabis Sativa was first found in Northwestern China.
Welcome to Insider Cannabis. AP Photo/Richard Vogel Welcome to Insider Cannabis, our weekly newsletter where we're bringing you…
Welcome to Insider Cannabis, our weekly newsletter where we're bringing you an inside look at the deals, trends, and…
Welcome to Insider Cannabis, our weekly newsletter where we're bringing you an inside look at the deals, trends, and…
Yes, you bought it at your dispensary, but experts say it originated more east than thought.
Research Highlights Published online 23 July 2021 The plant was first domesticated in East Asia some 10,000 years ago. Genome…
Marihuana jest zakorzeniona w kulturze od tysięcy lat. Wokół konopi stale powstają różne ruchy, które kultywują tradycję…
Dem Hanf auf der Spur: Das berühmt-berüchtigte Kraut ist eine der ältesten Kulturpflanzen des Menschen, verdeutlicht eine Studie.
An agronomist of the Tissue Culture Laboratory touches a plant at a cannabis plantation for medicinal use.
L’unità “Alcol, droghe e comportamenti di dipendenza” dell’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità scrive che la Cannabis …
The original site of cannabis domestication was most likely northwestern China (AP/representational) Written by Mike Ives; Joy…
Le cannabis est aujourd’hui disponible dans de nombreuses variétés, chacune proposant une configuration unique de cannabinoïdes…
Se preferir, ouça a versão em áudio Especialistas da Universidade de Lausanne, na Suíça, concluíram que a cannabis sativa (maconh…
Genomics 21 July 2021 Humans first began cultivating cannabis, a source of both fibres and drugs, some 12,000 years ago. Early…
(Newser) – Humans have been growing cannabis for 12,000 years, according to new research claiming to pinpoint where the first…
An international team of scientists have found in a new study that the Cannabis plant was first domesticated in northwest China…
An international team of scientists have found in a new study that the Cannabis plant was first domesticated in northwest China…
Le cannabis constitue l'une des drogues les plus consommées à travers le monde.
Whether it’s being used for agricultural, medical or recreational purposes, cannabis has become increasingly ubiquitous around…
Which might have an impact on the cannabis of tomorrow Whether it’s being used for agricultural, medical or recreational…
20 Jul 2021 - 1:01 a. m. El nuevo estudio recolectó 82 muestras de semillas y hojas de cannabis de todo el mundo para extraer…
O novo estudo aponta o noroeste da China como o local de origem da planta da cannabis, há cerca de 12 mil anos.
+ Cannabis foi domesticada pela primeira vez no Leste Asiático, diz estudo (Foto: Washarapol D BinYo Jundang/Pexels) Após…
A new genetic analysis indicates that cannabis may have originated in northwest China, Gizmodo reports.
Researchers have determined that cannabis domestication dates back about 12,000 years in the area that is now northwest China…
This week people worldwide will be watching Tokyo, where the Summer Olympic Games kick off on Friday.
Les humains entretiennent une relation de longue date avec le cannabis (C. sativa), elle prend racine au Néolithique, il y a…
Les humains entretiennent une relation de longue date avec le cannabis ( C. sativa ), elle prend racine au Néolithique, il y a…
Cannabis is among one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, having been domesticated in China some 12,000 years ago, a…
El cannabis se ha usado durante miles de años como planta medicinal. Ahora que su uso se ha generalizado como psicotrópico, sus…
Konopie siewne (Cannabis sativa) przez wieki stanowiły ważne źródło włókien do produkcji tekstyliów, wykorzystywano je do…
Domaći kanabis u provinciji Ćinghaj u centralnoj Kini. Foto: Guangpen Re Cannabis sativa, biljka koja je svetu pružila konoplju…
Ladang ganja di Provinsi Qinghai, Tiongkok tengah. Foto: Guangpen Ren Cannabis sativa adalah tanaman komersial modern yang kaya…
Qual è l’origine della cannabis? Un nuovo studio suggerisce che le prime coltivazioni di questa pianta avrebbero avuto origine…
Международная группа ученых собрала 110 полных геномов разных видов конопли и пришла к выводу, что впервые это растение одомашнил…
, 11:50 Исследователи собрали 110 целых геномов, охватывающих полный спектр дикорастущих родственников каннабиса.
Representational image. GENEVA: Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after…
编辑推荐: 根据对来自世界各地的110种植物的基因组分析,中国中部青海省的 。 根据对来自世界各地的110种植物的基因组分析,中国中部青海省的大麻大约12000年前在中国西北部驯化。 “这项研究证实它是最古老的栽培植物之一,”瑞士洛桑大学的Luca…
Zwischen Faser und Rausch: Cannabis ist eine der ältesten Kulturpflanzen und wurde in Fernost schon vor 6500 Jahren -oder sogar…
Cannabis domesticated in East Asia, new study suggests National Authors say plant was “multipurpose crop” grown about 12,000…
Genetic analysis of over 100 cannabis Sativa genomes has revealed that the plants wild ancestors likely came from present-day…
Genetic analysis of over 100 cannabis Sativa genomes has revealed that the plants wild ancestors likely came from present-day…
Genetic analysis of over 100 cannabis Sativa genomes has revealed that the plants wild ancestors likely came from present-day…
People feeling the effects of marijuana are prone to what scientists call “divergent thinking,” the process of searching for…
Des chercheurs affirment avoir découvert que le cannabis a été cultivé par l'homme pour la première fois il y a environ 12'000…
Se em pleno século XXI, em alguns países,, a discussão sobre a legalização o cultivo de cannabis sativa para fins medicinais…
People feeling the effects of marijuana are prone to what scientists call “divergent thinking,” the process of searching for…
A group of biologists and other scientists said humans began growing cannabis about 12,000 years ago not just for food, but…
Le cannabis, cultivé par l’homme pour la première fois il y a environ 12 000 ans en Chine ? C'est ce qu'affirment des chercheurs…
大麻的種植歷史悠久,許多人認為最早可能起源自南亞地區。然而,美國期刊《科學進展》(Science Advances)16日刊登的 最新研究 指出,大麻可能最早起源於新石器時代(公元前1萬年至公元前3千年)的中國西北部,而這項最新研究闡明了人類何時何地懂得識別…
Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after analyzing the genomes of plants from…
Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after analysing the genomes of plants from…
Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after analysing the genomes of plants from…
Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after analysing the genomes of plants from…
Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after analysing the genomes of plants from…
Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after analysing the genomes of plants from…
PA Images A newly published study suggests cannabis originated in China and was first domesticated in the Stone Age, paving the…
Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000 years ago in China, researchers found, after analysing the genomes of plants from…
Issued on: 17/07/2021 - 15:52 Modified: 17/07/2021 - 15:50 Advertising Geneva (AFP) Cannabis was first domesticated around 12,000…
Uralte Kulturpflanze Genom-Analysen verorteten den Ursprung von Hanf im Nordwesten Chinas.
Freitag, 16. Juli 2021 Eine der ältesten Kulturpflanzen Cannabis-Anbau bereits seit 12.000 Jahren Seit Jahrhunderten ist…
Északnyugat-Kínába vezetnek a kannabisz legkorábbi gyökerei egy nemzetközi kutatócsoport szerint.
(CNN) -- Cannabis' earliest roots may have stemmed from northwestern China -- not South Asia as commonly believed, according to…
Cannabis' earliest roots may have stemmed from northwestern China -- not South Asia as commonly believed, according to…
Cannabis' earliest roots may have stemmed from northwestern China -- not South Asia as commonly believed, according to a study… Researchers found the…
By Jessie Yeung, CNN Cannabis’ earliest roots may have stemmed from northwestern China — not South Asia as commonly believed…
(CNN)Cannabis' earliest roots may have stemmed from northwestern China -- not South Asia as commonly believed, according to a…
Cannabis was domesticated in what is now north-west China around 12,000 years ago, according to an analysis of the genomes of…
Thanks to a long history of domestication, cannabis now comes in an assortment of different varieties, each with its own unique…
Cannabis sativa, the plant that has gifted the world hemp, pot, and countless other earthly delights, is a modern cash crop…
Cannabis-Pflanzen in der zentralchinesischen Provinz Qinghai: Eine Studie weist darauf hin, dass Cannabis seinen Ursprung wohl…
Hanf: Seit 12’000 Jahren angepflanztSchweizer Forschende entschlüsseln die Herkunft von Cannabis Hanf wurde in der…
Hanf: Seit 12’000 Jahren angepflanzt - Schweizer Forschende entschlüsseln die Herkunft von Cannabis Hanf: Seit 12’000 Jahren…
– Schweizer Forschende entschlüsseln die Herkunft von Cannabis Hanf wurde in der Jungsteinzeit als eine der ersten Arten…
Hanf: Seit 12’000 Jahren angepflanztSchweizer Forschende entschlüsseln die Herkunft von Cannabis Hanf wurde in der…
Freitag, 16. Juli 2021 Eine der ältesten Kulturpflanzen Cannabis schon seit 12.000 Jahren angebaut Seit Jahrhunderten ist…
For thousands of years, humans have lit up around the world, enjoying the high that comes from cannabis.
Cannabis hat seine frühesten Wurzeln wahrscheinlich im Nordwesten Chinas, wie ein internationales Team unter Leitung der…
Cannabis hat seine frühesten Wurzeln wahrscheinlich im Nordwesten Chinas, wie ein internationales Team unter Leitung der…
Whether you think it’s the devil’s lettuce, nature’s medicine or a conduit to the divine, cannabis and humans have a…
Cannabis landraces in Qinghai province, central China. Image: Guangpen Ren ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research…