CieloBuio Associazione per la protezione dell'ambiente e del cielo notturno,
A tutti i simpatizzanti che usano Twitter, CieloBuio chiede ti ritwittare questo:…
A tutti i simpatizzanti che usano Twitter, CieloBuio chiede ti ritwittare questo:…
Lo studio dal titolo “Light Pollution in USA and EUROPE: The good, the bad and the ugly”, pubblicato sulla rivista “Journal of…
Light pollution in USA and Europe: The good, the bad and the ugly (link:…
¿Contaminación lumínica?💡Las luces artificiales aumentan la luminosidad del cielo nocturno, creando el efecto más visible de la…
¿Contaminación lumínica?💡Las luces artificiales aumentan la luminosidad del cielo nocturno, creando el efecto más visible de la…
New Zealand Ministry of Environment report on air 2018 includes light pollution data from…
Dove andate a vedere le stelle cadenti? Non perdete il massimo dello sciame meteorico, domani notte, 12 agosto (non, come si…
A ridosso della notte di San Lorenzo, non si può non fare una riflessione sull'enorme #InquinamentoLuminoso, pubblico e privato…
"The Milky Way is hidden from 1/3 of humanity... including 80% of North Americans." -Falchi et al. Light pollution does more…
"The Milky Way is hidden from 1/3 of humanity... including 80% of North Americans." -Falchi et al. Light pollution does more…
Did you know that the Milky Way is hidden from more than one-third of the world’s population due to light pollution? Check…
On Italian RAI TV the meteorologist Luca Mercalli speaks about light pollution, citing both Kyba et al.…
An interesting article on light pollution
Read: "Artificial lights raise night sky luminance, creating the most visible effect of light pollution—artificial skyglow.
Read: "Artificial lights raise night sky luminance, creating the most visible effect of light pollution—artificial skyglow.
Atlas da Poluição…
Light pollution has prevented one-third of humanity from seeing the Milky Way. But in far-flung areas, away from the artificial…
Inquinamento luminoso: ormai 1/3 dell'umanità non vede più la Via Lattea. Purtroppo all'Italia e alla Corea del Sud il triste…
APAGUEN LA LUZ PARA VER MEJOR: PATAGONIA Y LA CONTAMINACIÓN LUMÍNICA Sabían que cerca de 1/3 de las personas en el Mundo no…
Artificial lights raise night sky luminance, creating the most visible effect of light pollution—artificial skyglow. Despite…
Over the next week, we’ll be highlighting CIRES papers and studies that received a lot of online attention in 2016, as measured…
In prime time on national public TV, half an hour of in depth analysis of light pollution! Our atlas citated: http://advances.sci…
Per la…
A National Park Service study on light pollution's impact on night skies ranked in Altmetric's top 10 most-discussed articles…
Stasera si parla di inquinamento…
Ricordatevi questa sera di non perdere PresaDiretta con il primo reportage di approfondimento sull'inquinamento luminoso mai…
Questa sera non perdetevi su RAI3 alle ore 21.15 la prima puntata di Presa Diretta: uno dei due reportage della serata riguarderà…
Ricordatevi domani sera di non perdere PresaDiretta con il primo reportage di approfondimento sull'inquinamento luminoso mai…
Lunedì 9 gennaio alle 21:15 torna PresaDiretta con un servizio sugli sprechi dell'illuminazione pubblica. Condividete e…
So wie das alte Jahr geendet hat, so möchten wir das neue auch beginnen: mit einem Blick in den Himmel. Vergangenes Jahr hat es…
Dov'è il cielo più stellato d'Italia?…
Dov'è il cielo più stellato d'Italia?…
One third of humanity can’t see the Milky Way galaxy at night, according to research published this June in Science Advances.
More than 80% of the world and more than 99% of the U.S. and European populations live under light-polluted skies. The Milky…
More than 80% of the world and more than 99% of the U.S. and European populations live under light-polluted skies. The Milky…
"The New World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness" was ranked #10 of academic research articles attracting the most…
Want to wish on a falling star? Now's the time! The Geminid meteor shower peaks on December 14, while the Quadrantids peaks…
We made it into this year's Altmetrics Top 100! At #10 was the article by Fabio Falchi et al., titled "The new world atlas of…
We're expecting to see some clearing late Wednesday night into Thursday morning...but you will need to be well away from city…
Want to wish on a falling star? Now's the time! The Geminid meteor shower peaks on December 14, while the Quadrantids peaks…
Want to wish on a falling star? Now's the time! The Geminid meteor shower peaks on December 14, while the Quadrantids peaks…
Want to wish on a falling star? Now's the time! The Geminid meteor shower peaks on December 14, while the Quadrantids peaks…
Astronomy magazine ( chooses our World Atlas as one of the TOP 10 Space stories of the year! Original Science…
¿Sabías que según se muestra en el Atlas mundial sobre contaminación lumínica un tercio de la humanidad y más de la mitad de…
Been watching the Leonids? Nighttime lights can dim the spectacular annual meteor shower, depending on where you watch. Light…
Non perdetelo. Il programma è stato girato in gran parte in veneto con la collaborazione del presidente di VenetoStellato.
A Presa Diretta si parlerà di inquinamento luminoso e dell'atlante
CHECK OUT - The new world atlas of artificial night sky brightness
Brian May invita a vedere l'atlante dell'inquinamento luminoso ( .
Brian May suggests to have a look at the world atlas of light pollution:…
One third of humanity and approximately 80% of North Americans can no longer see the Milky Way from where they live due to…
The New World Atlas of Artificial Night Sky Brightness - Journal Article via Science Advances journal (Open Access link) Why…
Det venstre bildet illustrerer lysforurensningsnivået i Europa, basert på nylig publiserte satellittmålinger. Det høyre bildet…
Find yourself here, and commit to some local stargazing ~ it's a great first step in building community toward a more beautiful…
arXiv:1609.01041 Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 07:29:46 GMT (3916kb) Title: The new world atlas of artificial night sky…
Comparto una interesante noticia sobre la problemática de la observación de la Vía Láctea en relación con la contaminación lumíni…
Lost in Light est un timelapse doublement étonnant: à la fois il est magnifique esthétiquement, mais surtout il permet de se…
Have you ever been in such a dark location that at night you can see shadows from star light? We still have a lot of places up…
Telecanarias too presents the inauguration of the congress 'Starlight, beyond light pollution, where was presented the new…
TV Canarias presents the inauguration of the congress 'Starlight, beyond light pollution, where was presented the new world…
Y ahora que ya se hace de noche, le echamos un vistazo al nuevo atlas de contaminación lumínica, ¿encuentras tu ciudad?
CONTAMINACIÓN LUMÍNICA: UN PROBLEMA SERIO, NO SÓLO PARA LA ASTRONOMÍA El pasado 10 de junio ha sido publicado en Science…
APOD: The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness (2016 Jun 30) Image Credit
APOD: The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness (2016 Jun 30) Image Credit
APOD: The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness (2016 Jun 30) Image Credit
La carte mondiale de la pollution lumineuse reste très alarmante. Le ciel nocturne disparaît peu à peu de notre quotidien... La…
APOD: The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness (2016 Jun 30) Image Credit
APOD: The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness (2016 Jun 30) Image Credit
APOD: The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness (2016 Jun 30) Image Credit
APOD: The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness (2016 Jun 30) Image Credit
The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness è oggi su NASA APOD! Continua il successo…
The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky…
More than 80% of the world population live under light-polluted skies! Check the new world atlas of artificial night sky…
To not go wrong on the second question, study here:
CONTAMINACIÓN LUMÍNICA: UN PROBLEMA SERIO, NO SÓLO PARA LA ASTRONOMÍA El pasado 10 de junio ha sido publicado en Science…
"Due to light pollution, the Milky Way is not visible to more than one-third of humanity, including 60% of Europeans and nearly…
Il nuovo atlante mostra come le città italiane siano molto più inquinate delle tedesche, a parità di abitanti. Confrontate Roma …
Nional Geographic Japan:… parla dell'atlante parla dell'atlante: speaks about our atlas
A new study on light pollution published in Science Advances Journal has produced a world atlas of artificial night sky…
In the weekly review of Science, there is the Atlas: 10.1126/sciadv.1600377
O kolik horší jsou bílé LED osvětlení pro naši noc? Srovnání současného stavu (vlevo) a situace, kdy by venkovní osvětlení bylo…
O kolik horší jsou bílé LED pro naši noc? Srovnání současného stavu (vlevo) a situace, kdy by venkovní osvětlení bylo vyměněno…
Kde je u nás ještě tma? To můžeme zjistit na nové mapě světelného znečištění pro území ČR. Vyznačeny jsou stávající oblasti…
O kolik horší jsou bílé LED osvětlení pro naši noc? Srovnání současného stavu (vlevo) a situace, kdy by venkovní osvětlení bylo…
Un tercio de los habitantes de este planeta, ya no pueden ver la Vía Láctea.
Nedávno byl vydán aktualizovaný atlas světelného znečištění. Zajímá vás, jak jsou na tom západní Čechy? Oproti jiným krajům poměr…
The new world atlas of artificial night sky brightness. Published in Sciences Advance. June 2016.. More info: http://advances.sci…
The new world atlas of artificial night sky brightness. Published in Sciences Advance. June 2016.. More info: http://advances.sci…
Jak by to vypadalo, kdybychom vyměnili všechny současné lampy veřejného osvětlení za LED svítidla 4000K svtící v modrém světle?
Science Advanced publica un nuevo atlas de contaminación lumínica: La Vía Láctea se apaga para un tercio de la humanidad. http:…
Singapore #1 again! This time it's Light Pollution! Thank you The New Paper for featuring light pollution on their front page…
Light pollution - YUCK!